Crop Insurance. Insuring your crops. Ensuring your success©.
Early Plant Dates State | Corn | Beans | IL | April 5 | April 15 | MO | April 5 | April 20 | IA | April 11 | April 21 | UFC Crop Insurance Agents:Peggy Duesterhaus: 217-964-2111 Jennifer Wood: 217-257-8812 Susie Wray: 217-964-2111 Tanner Van Tress: 573-629-9323Julie Logsdon: 573-383-1965Click the link for informational videos explaining crop insurance. https://cropinsurance101.org/
Our product line includes the full range of Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) and FCIC-backed plans, including Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, Whole Farm Revenue Protection, Margin Protection, Livestock, Rainfall Index, and more!
Revenue Protection (RP) Insure against revenue loss due to an increase or decrease in yield and/or price with RP. The final revenue guarantee is based on the higher of the projected price or harvest price. RP protects $/acre depending on the past yield history, the market price during the month of February, and the level of risk the producer chooses.
Spring pricing is determined by: Corn: Feb average of the Dec’24 CBOT price. Beans: Feb average of the Nov’24 CBOT price. Wheat: The average of Aug 15 – Sept 14, current year Harvest pricing is determined by: Corn: Oct average of the Dec’24 CBOT. Beans: Oct average of the Nov’24 CBOT Wheat: The average of July 15 – Aug 14 of the Sept CBOT
Yield Protection (YP) Protect yourself against production losses due to a decrease in yield with YP. It protects bushels/acre depending on the past yield history and the level of risk the producer chooses.
Forage Seeding Protects the producer’s investment in seeding alfalfa for the first year. Requests are made for rates for this area.
Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Allows the producer to protect the value of feeder cattle he/she plans to sell as feeders or as fats. Values are determined on a daily basis and quotes can only be determined while the CME is closed. This policy will not insure against death or disease, only a decrease in price.
Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) Allows livestock producers the ability to insure either pasture and/or hay ground against lack of rainfall. The producer must select which 2-month interval he/she wants to insure. Ground to be insured is identified by the 12x12-mile grid in which it is located.
Hail Insurance Producers can insure against a single peril of hail, or they can add wind and an extra harvest option to the existing hail policy. Producers can also add to his/her existing policies with extra payment for replant.
Named Peril Each year, NAU is searching for products that can reduce the risks farmers face. Contact Peggy Duesterhaus, Susie Wray, Tanner VanTress or Julie Logsdon if you have any questions about your current policy, or any of the policies stated above.