The building that houses the office and warehouse has served many purposes over the years.  At one time it was a two story building with the masonic temple on the second floor.  It has been a bank, a dry goods store, seed store, and an elevator office.

    In 1957 Al Smith and Roy Vollbracht Jr. started buying grain using a vacum machine to unload into flat storage buldings.  In 1958 an elevator was built and three 5,000 bushel bins were added.  In 1961 Vollbracht sold out to Smith and he sold shares to stockholders and formed a corporation.  The seven stockholders were:  Al Smith, Doc Faulkner, Ralph Beckman, Emery Hunsaker, Allen Stout, Norman Bruns, and Dale Bruns.  When Allen Stout Joined the firm in 1964, he designed the feed mill that was built that same year.  Soon after, the corporation bought out Bruns Bros. Seed & Feed and acquired Kent Feeds franchise.  The corporation continued until 1975 when they sold the elevator business to Joe Williams and Multi-Foods Corp.

    With the change of ownership came a new brand of feed that was to be handled.  Supersweet Feed was sold at the elevator at that time.   Joe added a chemical and fertilizer business with custom application to the other services of custom grinding and mixing of feed, plus delivery.  Joe continued to operate the elevator until 1981 when he sold his shares to International Multi-Foods and Dave Ivers.  Joe was involved in another business for about one year when Multi-Foods asked him to come back and manage the facility for them.  He did so until 1986.   Dave Walker then became manager.  During his tenure, a new dump pit and leg was added along with a 90,000 bushel bin.

    Ron Bruender followed Dave as manager in 1989.   While Rod was here, International Multi-Foods was taken over by a corporation called AGP-LP, Inc.  In 1992, Rod left the manager position to become salesman for Supersweet Feeds.  Cheri Sexton then took over as manager until mid 1993.

    October 1, 1993 Ursa Farmers Coop leased the facility for one year.  Michael Powell came in to manage and Shirley Foster, the bookkeeper from the Meyer location, came in to take care of the office.  (Since hers was flooded out at the time!) Brad Obert and Darrell Buss were retained to take care of the feed and grain hankling.  Pam Flesner was hired in January 1994 as an additional bookkeeper and when Michael left in April 1994, Dave Neill was hired as manager.  The sale of the Camp Point location to Ursa Farmers Cooperative became final in the spring of 1995.

    Early in 1996 UFC made the decision to commit to one feed company instead of three.  Farmland was chosen and things have worked out nice. 

    Employee situations have changed with Dave Neill retiring.  Currently Tim Kinman is our outside employee, Scott Rosson has been hired as locational supervisor, while Ken Gray is the locational manager.